Advanced Tahoe Tours 1 Day
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These advanced tours are for experienced backcountry skiers wanting to travel in small groups at a quicker pace (1,000' - 1,200' per hour). We have scheduled routes visiting different areas, providing a different tour each time. Each tour is an excercise in the practice of ongoing avalanche hazard awareness and risk management as a review and refresher of avalanche safety skills.

Cost: $178
Andesite Peak, Castle Peak, Basin Peak Traverse
Jan 24, 2009 (Sat) 4 spots
Topo Map 
Tamarack Peak to Sky Tavern Ski Area
Feb 14, 2009 (Sat)
Topo Map 
Castle Peak, North Face to Negro Canyon
Mar 14, 2009 (Sat)
Topo Map 
Sugar Bowl to Anderson Peak
Mar 21, 2009 (Sat)
Topo Map 

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