Logan Talbott
Lead Guide
AMGA Certified Rock Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide
The high quality granite on Donner Pass, our carefully designed teaching progressions, our ultra experienced instructors and their personable approach makes ASI your first choice for improving your climbing skills and providing you the best climbing experience. Our 9-Step Climbing Progression, group climbing programs and Private Instruction & Guiding create the most diverse rock climbing program that guarantees a place for you, your interests and skills.

The ASI Rock Climbing Program is a unique one-of-a-kind total progression of simple and convenient one-day courses to teach all aspects of recreational rock climbing. Our team of Instructors and AMGA Certified Guides, many with decades of experience, sincerely care about your level of enjoyment. They have put together a progression of lesson plans to take climbers from the first time touching rock onto the skills necessary to safely climb long routes and famous big walls.
If you already have previous climbing experience, find the point of progression that fits your skills and climb with us from there.
You may take some of these courses in different order, as long as you meet all the prerequisites of the course you are interested in.

Intro To Rock Climbing Step 1
The most thorough and fun introductory day you'll find anywhere.
The Next Move Step 2
This is the confidence and technique builder.
Learn to Follow Multi-Pitch Step 3
Experience a traditional route climbing from belay to belay.

Rock Anchoring Clinic Step 4
Learn to place gear and build top-rope and top-of-the-pitch belay anchors.
Learn to Lead Step 5
Now it's time to take the sharp end, place gear and lead.
Climber's Self Rescue Step 6
Learn to help yourself as a climbing team.

Sport/Face Climbing Step 7
Face climbing technique improvement, lead and lower on sport routes.
Crack Climbing Improvement Step 8
The art and technique of crack climbing, thin fingers to off-widths.
Direct Aid & Big Wall Technique Step 9
Lead, follow and haul for your first trip up the big wall.


"I must express my extreme satisfaction with your guides' professional attitudes, climbing knowledge and safety. Both Tom Carter's and Paul Adam's knowledge and fluid climbing inspired in me the confidence to achieve things on rock that I thought I could never do. I will certainly recommend your program to my friends."
- Jim Ross
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