Technical Difficulty (Class):
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Prerequisite Skills:
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Physical Condition:
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Client/Guide Ratio:
1:1 or 2:1

All guide's auxiliary and group climbing gear.

Operating under Special Use Permit, Shasta/Trinity National Forest

Mt. Shasta Climbs & Seminars

Rock Climbing at Castle Crags     1 Day

Castle Crags, near Mt. Shasta, is an amazing place. You can see the towering granite spires from I-5, south of Dunsmuir near mt. Shasta. Great hiking, breathtaking views and true traditional rock climbing can easily be combined with a trip to climb Mt. Shasta or as an end onto itself.

Featured Route: Cosmic Wall 5.6+
This is truly an extraordinary route. One of the best to be found in its class, anywhere. Six exciting pitches on superbly featured granite lead to an airy summit, then two rappells off into the descent gully. This route is true to its rating, a stout 5.6 and provides a magnificent rock climbing adventure in true traditional style. You'll remember it forever!

Other classic routes available.

Cost: $425 for 1
         $270 each for 2

         Plus guide transportation arangement

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Mt. Shasta, Castle Crags

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