Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide

Member School

July 17, 2008
Higher ground!
If you're planning on getting away to higher ground, your timing couldn't be much better. The smoke as finally cleared, the temperatures have dropped a bit and climbing conditions in the Tahoe area couldn't be better.
This summer we are kicking off our new climbing program, the 9-Step Progression. If you aspire to be a well-rounded climber, you'll want to have all the skills embedded in this program. Not sure where to start? That's easy, take The Next Move. This our do-it-all class where we work with you at your level to take you to the next. Whatever it is you want to improve, techniques or movement skills, we can help you get there faster, and safer. Once we climb with you, it'll be easy to point you to the next step in your own climbing program.

Sharp Sweat
Sweating is an amazing phenomenon. On the surface it just seems like salt water, dripping from our pores. Instinctively we know it is more than that, because it gushes forth like tears when we are gripped with any sort of angst, from pure anger, to fear, or good old-fashioned gritty work.
When we take a breather, and a cool breeze lifts it from our skin, the angst is carried away on the wind, purifying our souls. That's why even a simple run in the park does more than cleanse the body, it flushes the cobwebs from our minds too.
Rock climbers know that intensity can sharpen the edge of sweat, cutting deeper to the soul. One of the best ways to find that edge, is to seek your own limits for defying gravity in the climbing world.
That's why Alpine Skills International (ASI) has developed their 9-Step Climbing Progression. No matter where you are in your development as a climber, no matter what the next step is to expand the boundaries of your abilities, we're confident it is in one of these nine courses. If you want to be a fully adept rock climber, able to climb peaks and faces around the world, these are the core skills.
You don't need to take the whole progression, just take the next step and better yourself. You won't regret it. Their instructors are all AMGA trained or certified professionals under the direction of Bela G. Vadasz, who is an internationally licensed IFMGA mountain guide.
More than that, they're alpinists who enjoy sharing the knowledge they've gained. Why not get on the fast track to excellence? Hire a certified guide and get the edge. Experience the difference, experience makes.
- Craig Dostie

We know how much of a chunk the pump is taking out of your wallet these days. We don't have anything formal set up, but give us a shout if you'd like to take a course, but need to share expenses getting here. There's always a chance someone along your route shares the same dilemma. If so, we'll help you coordinate transportation.

Other Truckee Options
Our Rock Climbing courses are all taught on the clean granite around Donner Pass of old Hwy. 40. If you're up here for the weekend, there's plenty of other things to do, from boating on Donner Lake, or Lake Tahoe, to world class mountain biking, or relaxing with a stroll in historic downtown Truckee.
We look forward to climbing with you and helping you achieve your goals. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz
Directors - Alpine Skills International

Beginning Rock Courses:
Intro To Rock Climbing Step 1
Every Wed & Sat
The Next Move Step 2
Every Sun
Learn To Follow Multi-Pitch Step 3
Aug 3, 2008 (Sun)
Aug 16, 2008 (Sat)

Intermediate Rock Clinics:
Rock Anchoring Clinic Step 4
July 26, 2008 (Sat)
August 2, 2008 (Sat)
Aug 23, 2008 (Sat)
Sept 13, 2008 (Sat)
Learn To Lead Step 5
July 27, 2008 (Sun)
Aug 17, 2008 (Sun)
Aug 31, 2008 (Sun)
Climber's Self Rescue Step 6
Aug 3, 2008 (Sun)
Aug 24, 2008 (Sun)
Sept 14, 2008 (Sun)

Advanced Rock Workshops:
Sport/Face Climbing Step 7
Aug 9, 2008 (Sat)
Crack Climbing Improvement Step 8
Aug 10, 2008 (Sun)
Direct Aid & Big Wall Technique Step 9
Aug 30, 2008 (Sat)
Sept 13, 2008 (Sat)

