Intro To Rock Climbing Step 1
Donner Pass
If you have never climbed before, just tried it in the climbing gym or it's been a while and you need a refresher, this first course is where to begin. Besides learning about your harness and rock shoes, you'll learn necessary basic knots, belaying, lowering, rappelling and be introduced to both crack and face climbing technique on superb Donner Pass granite. Come join the fun!
Skills covered will include:
- Rock shoe, harness and helmet fit and use
- Harness tie-in with figure eight knot
- Top rope climbing setup from permanent anchors
- Belayer/climber commands
- Belaying and lowering a climber with a standard belay device
- Climbing techniques for slab, face, jam crack and lie-back
- Basic rappeling with a safety backup
- Lead climbing demonstration with placement and removal of protection
- Introduction to the climbing rating system
- Leave No Trace practices at climbing areas
Climbing difficulty from 5.0 - 5.7
No previous climbing skills are necessary.

Cost: $195
Dates 2021:
May 22
May 29
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
August 7
August 14
August 21
August 28
September 4
September 11
September 18

Questions about this course?
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