Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
Internationally Licensed
Mountain Guide
Upcoming Programs
Conditions Updates
Tech Tips |
Aug 10, 2011
Dear Friends of ASI:
Summer finally arrived in the Sierra. We've been enjoying warm, stable weather, lots of moisture in the ground with ample running water from the snowmelt and beautiful wildflowers everywhere!
Come escape the summer heat of the valley and enjoy the perfect temperatures and climbing conditions at Donner Pass and in the High Sierra. Hope to climb with you soon!

We have created a fabulous new format to an excellent course called Sierra Mountaineering. We have taken over 35 years of curriculum design and teaching experience and condensed the most important alpine climbing and mountaineering skills into a progressive 2-day format.
It's taught in the high country, near Tioga Pass, the eastern border of Yosemite National Park. This course is attainable by anyone from anywhere in California over the span of just one weekend. Taught by some of America's most experienced Mountain Guides and Outdoor Educators, you'll learn important new materials...guaranteed!
Sierra Mountaineering
Aug 20-21, 2011 (Sat-Sun)
Sep 3-4, 2011 (Sat-Sun)

One of the most enjoyable alpine rock routes in the High Sierra. We'll show you the 5.6 way, the original route of the first ascent party. It follows stunning prows, some mild traverses and a beautiful feeling attained from its "directness of purpose" on "firm, blocky High Sierra granite". When you climb the East Buttress of Whitney with an ASI Guide, your ascent is supported by the intimate knowledge from over 150 ascents of both the East Face and East Buttress.
Mt. Whitney, East Buttress III 5.6
Aug 27-28, 2011 (Sat-Sun)

Amazing rock quality, perfect summer conditions, beautiful views and a unique, user-friendly climbing environment produce one of the truly best climbing areas to improve your skills.
Have you ever been out with a true professional certified Rock Climbing Instructor or Guide? Decades of experience, curriculum design and personable approach results in true, life-long value to you becoming a better and safer rock climber. Learning guaranteed!
ASI's 9-Step Progression
Meticulously planned and executed series of 1-day workshops to bring you to the next level with the take-away skills even your friends may not know. Find where you fit and experience the growth, with a professional.
Top Ropin' Tuesdays
A chance to receive expert coaching and clinicing from a passionate, professional instructor to help you reach the next level. Every Tuesday, 5-7:30pm.
Preregistration Required
$29 $89 Monthly Pass
Private Guiding at Donner Pass & Lover's Leap
Enjoy the classic, high quality granite routes along with practicing the most current, internationally recognized rock techniques from a professional guide.


This year's trip has a guaranteed departure with no minimum group size. Join us for a Himalayan adventure of a lifetime! No matter who you are, you return a different person after visiting the Khumbu and Everest region of the Himalaya.
This year is our 11th trip back to Nepal and the Himalaya. Our trips are based on a strong cultural and spiritual experience with intimate knowledge of the area, backed by the great friendships (both professional and personal) that we have created with the warm and friendly Sherpa people.
Everest Basecamp Trek 
Oct 27 - Nov 13, 2011

TECH TIP: 7 Principles of Leave No Trace
ASI works to promote the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace. Please help others to become aware and follow the seven principles:
1) Plan Ahead and Prepare
2) Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
3) Dispose of Waste Properly
4) Leave What You Find
5) Minimize Campfire Impacts
6) Respect Wildlife
7) Be Considerate of Other Visitors

TRAVEL INSURANCE: Protect any trip
Protect your travels with Travel Guard. It's the best, most comprehensive Travel Insurance we've found. Coverage options include: Cancel For Any Reason, Travel Delays, Evacuation and Medical with additional upgrade, additional equipment coverage and more.. We use Travel Guard. It gives us piece of mind.

Yes, we finally joined the ranks and created our Facebook page. We hope you check it out and "Like" our page. We will be posting Photos, Videos, Trip Reports, Tech Tips, etc. We encourage you to contribute too!

We look forward to climbing and skiing with you and helping you achieve your mountain dreams. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz - ASI Directors
Alpine Skills International

Operating on a non-discriminating basis under Special Use Permit, Inyo National Forest, Tahoe National Forest, Shasta/Trinity National Forests, Eldorado National Forest, Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks.
