Eric DesLauriers
Alpine Skiing Director
AMGA Certified Ski Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Internationally Licensed
Mountain Guide

Member School

Our Alpine Freeride, Telemark and XC ski instruction programs are based at Sugar Bowl Ski Resort.* We focus on simplicity and consistency, with proven techniques for all conditions and terrain. You'll find our team of highly qualified Instructors are outstanding outdoor educators who will help you take your skiing to the next level!

Early Season Tune-up 1 Day
Early season fundamentals will set you up for fun and success the rest of the year. Join Eric DesLauriers and hone your technique on the early season groomers and apply these same moves off-piste or in the backcountry when the snow starts to really fly.
Ski The Whole Mountain 1-2 Day
Our signature event! This AMSP series of 1-2 day all-mountain free skiing ski camps at Sugar Bowl will include steep skiing sessions, powder skiing, crud skiing and all other challenges the mountain has to offer.
Steeps Camp 1 Day
with Bela G. Vadasz
For alpine downhill and randonnée skiers to build a repetoire of skills to ski long, committing, steep descents.
X-Team Advanced Ski Clinic 3 Day
Experience great skiing and learn to shred the whole mountain with confidence and style at this once-a-year ski freeskiing clinic at Squaw Valley USA.*
Private Alpine Freeride Lessons can also be arranged.

Early Season Telemark Tune-up 1 Day
Early season fundamentals will set you up for fun and success the rest of the year. Join Lorenzo Worster and hone your technique on the early season groomers and apply these same moves off-piste or in the backcountry when the snow starts to really fly.
Intro To Telemark 1 Day
If you've always wanted to feel the fluid grace of the telemark turn, here's where to begin.
Intermediate - Advanced Telemark 1 Day
For telemark skiers ready to ski faster and on steeper slopes.
Private Telemark Lessons can also be arranged.

The BAC is located in the lower level of the Chalet Ski & Sports shop near the base of the Disney lift (on the Gondola side).
Besides AT, telemark and splitboard rentals and accessories, we will have XC skate ski as well as XC classic ski rentals!
