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Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide
August 13, 2010
Dear Friends of ASI
It's been a great summer here at Donner Pass and the High Sierra. We got many routes in this season. The late snow on Shasta kept cramponing conditions excellent. The high country was green with plenty of water flowing and the wild flowers were projecting in technicolor!
There's still plenty of time to get a summer climb in before the snow season. Hope we can get out there with you.

Everest Basecamp Trek
Everest Sumitteer, Mimi Vadasz, Geljen Sherpa (originally from the Khumbu region, now living in Sonoma, CA) and Kami Sherpa (6 Everest summits) will be leading a small group through the spectacular Khumbu to Everest Basecamp. This is a wonderful trek offered at a special "at cost" price.

If you have been interested in a trip to Nepal and the Himalaya, don't pass up this great opportunity. It is all inclusive from Katmandu and is for fit trekkers with previous experience to 14,000'.
Remember, no matter who you are, you'll be a different person when you return from the Everest Region.

$1895 Oct 29 - Nov 15, 2010
$795 Island Peak 4-Day Option
More Info >

Have you gotten enough climbing in this summer?
Late August and September is a great time for a pick-up climb of the route you wanted to get in but just didn't get to do. Join an ASI Guide for a High Sierra Classic, a day at Donner Pass or a spectacular link up of routes at Lover's Leap.
Sample climbs still available:
Mt. Conness, The North Ridge
Aug 21, 2010 1 Spot
Alpine Mountaineering Camp
Sep 4-7, 2010
North Peak, Northwest Ridge
Sep 14, 2010
North Peak, North Couloirs
Sep 18, 2010 1 Spot
Mt. Whitney, Mountaineer's Route
Sep 11-12, 2010 1 Spot
Mt. Whitney, East Face
Aug 21-22, 2010 1 Spot
Sep 13-14, 2010 1 Spot
Mt. Whitney, East Buttress
Sep 18-19, 2010

American Alpine Club: Craggin' Classic:
ASI, Sugar Bowl and The Back Country will be hosting the AAC Craggin' Classic event. This will be a fun weekend of camping, climbing, partying, mini-clinics and slideshows by Brittany Griffith and Tommy Caldwell.
SAT: Free skills clinics by ASI
AM: Multi-Pitch Rapelling Clinic
PM: Fundamentals of Self-Rescue Clinic
Dinner and Music by Dawn Patrol (an accoustic trio before the slideshow)
Don't miss this community building event!
More info >

Climb with Ben Mitchell in Chamonix
This September, IFMGA (Internationally Licensed Mountain Guide) Ben Mitchell, will be guiding Mt. Blanc the first week in September. Then, he will be available to guide many of the moderate classics in Le Massif du Mont Blanc the rest of the month.
Call the ASI office for details:

TECH TIP: Get Hitched! - Münter/Clove Hitch Part 2
Belaying the second with a Münter Hitch
By: Bela G. Vadasz
We have learned the tremendous advantage of arriving at the belay stance, recognizing a well-equalized anchor system with a strong, fortified master point. Then using a clove hitch to anchor yourself. The clove hitch is quick and easy to adjust, using the climbing rope to anchor and not needing an additional, one-use item such as a daisy chain.
Next is the excellent technique of belay directly off a strong anchor with a Münter Hitch. The Münter Hitch, aka: italian hitch or HMS knot (translates to half-rope break) is essentially a half clove hitch that is very easy to take in and let rope out. It's value in a climbing system is often overlooked because it is just too simple! Read on...

Been thinking of skiing yet?
We are in the works of planning some great new programs this winter based at the Backcountry Adventure Center at Sugar Bowl. Our 2010/11' Avalanche Course dates are already posted on our website.
The 2011 K2 Skis have arrived at The Back Country and they look sweet!

ASI Guides favorites for 2011:
K2 Backlash skis, Garmont Radium boots, Dynafit TLT bindings.

We look forward to climbing with you and helping you achieve your goals. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz - ASI Directors
Alpine Skills International
