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Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide
Nov 27, 2009
I skied opening day at Sugar Bowl on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. It felt great to get our ski legs going. Sugar Bowl did a great job farming the snow on Jerome Hill. Then, Friday's new snow has made for good early season skiing on a fun intermediate run. Come ski the groomers and get started. You’ll be glad you did.
- Bela G. Vadasz

1st Annual Backcountry Ball
The first annual Backcountry Ball was a smashing success! We had about 200 attend, many old friends of ASI and we met lots of new friends ready to ski the sidecountry from Sugar Bowl with us. We look forward to a great season based out of the ASI Backcountry Adventure Center at Sugar Bowl. Please stop by, say hi and have a look at the new facility.

Wilderness First Aid & CPR
Join us the weekend of Dec 5-6th to freshen up on your Wilderness First Aid skills taught at our new classroom at the ASI Backcountry Adventure Center at Sugar Bowl. This is an outstanding class taught by ASI Senior Guide, Bill Seline. Simply stated, he teaches the best Wilderness Aid and First Responder course that we have ever seen. He provides the best, most practical information that is most connected to our wilderness world.
Wilderness First Aid & CPR
Dec 5-6, 2009 (Sat-Sun)

AIARE Avalanche Level 1 PLUS
This 4-day extended version of our super popular AIARE L1 takes additional time to link the L1 curriculum with additional backcountry and leadership skills. It includes more thorough practice of tour planning, map reading, navigation, uphill and downhill travel techniques, emergency response after an avalanche accident and emergency survival skills. The course is based at the Lake Mary Cabin near Sugar Bowl with a fun hut-like atmosphere and the lodging is included.
AIARE Avalanche Level 1 PLUS
Dec 26-29, 2009 (Sat-Tue)

Featured Book
With each Newsletter, we feature one of our favorite books from the library at the ASI Backcountry Adventure Center at Sugar Bowl. Look for them when you stop by for a visit.
Skiing with Style, by Robert Frohlich.
It's now the 70th year anniversary of Sugar Bowl Ski Resort. Ten years ago, Robert Frolich passionately wrote a wonderful history of skiing at Sugar Bowl. Robert is a fantastic author who loves skiing and the history at Donner Pass. He is truly one of Bela & Mimi's favorite authors who cronicles Sierra history.

We look forward to skiing with you and helping you achieve your goals. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz - ASI Directors
Alpine Skills International
