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Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide

July 10, 2009
Friends of ASI
What a weird June so far. In the past few years May and June have served up a few smokin' hot weeks, but so far the mountains have remained cool and wet. Big cumulonimbus clouds, the kind that rise to over 50,000' with black bottoms have danced over California's peaks every single day for the past three weeks. Sometimes it only threatens rain, sometimes it sprinkles, and sometimes it pours with the tympani of thunder and flashes of lightning.
The result is routes that benefit from having snow on them are in unusually good shape right now, whether that is high peaks in the Sierra with snow gullies, or the more obvious one, Mt. Shasta. Usually sun cups are dominating the slopes by now, making climbing more tedious, and descending difficult. But with a fresh 6-10 inches on Shasta, the slopes are smooth making cramponing a breeze, and glissading back down delightful.
Because of the fresh snow, we'll be hosting our Youth Ski Mountaineering Camp on Mt. Shasta this week. Once again Eric DesLauriers, Peter Mayfield, and Tim Dobbins will turn ten lucky guys on to backcountry skiing and mountaineering skills. If your son or daughter has shown an interest in the mountains, mark your calendars for next June 2010 and have ASI introduce them to the whole mountain experience, with the emphasis on skiing.
We bring that whole mountain emphasis to everything that we do. Now that summer is here, our focus is on climbing high peaks and helping dreamers like you become mountaineers and alpinists.
When we think of the many types of people who enjoy climbing in the mountains it is convenient to categorize them three ways; summit hikers, mountaineers, and alpinists. Each is progressively more technically inclined and sophisticated in their mountaineering goals (read more on our whole mountain philosophy here).
Our goal at ASI is to help you achieve your mountaineering goals, from teaching the skills to leading expeditions. We hope to join you in the mountains soon.

Intro to Rock Climbing
If you have never climbed before, only tried it in the climbing gym or it's been a while and you need a refresher, this course is the place to begin. We cover all the basics of rock climbing from gear to techniques for climbing, rope handling, belaying, and rappeling. All this in a single day that includes practicing crack and face climbing techniques on the superb granite of Donner Pass. All necessary gear is included in the price. Come join the fun!

Intro to Rock Climbing
Every Wed & Sat

Glacial Ice Seminar on Mt. Shasta
If your heart is smitten with the mountains, big mountains will be in your future. That means sooner or later you'll need to learn about glaciers. In this four-day intensive seminar we cover ice axe, crampon, and snow travel techniques, hazard recognition, assessment and management, roped glacier travel skills, crevasse rescue, steep ice climbing techniques, and route planning for glaciated routes on big peaks throughout the world. On the last day we make a pre-dawn bid for the summit of Mt. Shasta on the remote northern side of the mountain.
Glacial Ice Seminar
June 1-4, 2009 (Mon-Th)
July 10-13, 2009 (Fri-Mon)
July 27-30, 2009 (Mon-Th)
Sept 7-10, 2009 (Mon-Th)

Lover's Leap
Lover's Leap is considered one of the best climbing areas in the country by one of America's most prolific climbers, Royal Robbins. Sustained, multi-pitch routes on clean granite with amazing dikes, shelves and ledges make climbing here relatively easy, but with plenty of nervy exposure to keep your adrenaline high.
There are many routes in the 5.6 to 5.9 range so you needn't be a rock-star to enjoy these climbs. Since the season runs from April through October we leave the scheduling up to you. Pick a date, grab a friend, and we'll meet you there for one or two days of excellent climbing at whatever level you're comfortable with, or comfortable pushing.
Lover's Leap
Choose your own date

We know how much of a chunk the pump can take out of your wallet these days. We don't have anything formal set up, but give us a shout if you'd like to take a course, but need to share expenses getting here. There's always a chance someone along your route shares the same dilemma. If so, we'll help you coordinate transportation.

We look forward to skiing with you and helping you achieve your goals. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz
Alpine Skills International

