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Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide

Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide
April 29, 2010
What a Spring!
April storms have blessed the High Sierra with a fat snowpack, just like the good ol' days. Seasonal snow totals are up to 175% in Northern California and 133% in the South.
If you think skiing is over, recharge your batteries because this is really true adventure time. Put on your shorts and wear your flip flops as you drive to the East Side and Mt. Shasta trailheads. We offer super fun trips with amazing skiing up at the higher elevations. Come back for at least one May ski mountaineering trip and you'll see what we mean.

Back from the Alps
Eight of us, including the Riggs family and the Vadasz family set off for some splendid ski mountaineering in the West Alps in the regions of Chamonix, Courmayeur, Verbier and Zermatt enjoying some fantastic side trips, steep ski descents and variations of the Haute Route.
Keep an eye out for some amazing new variations for 2011!

Spring Ski Mountaineering
Mt. Shasta Steeps Camp
From 50/50 Camp on the Standard Route from Bunny Flat, we'll climb and ski the Trinity Chutes, about 40° for over 2,000'. All totaling about 7,000' from the West Summit back to Bunny Flat. The conditions right now are absolutely amazing!
This is a spectacular descent for experienced steep ski mountaineers.
May 8-9, 2010
Hidden Valley Basecamp
There are very few places in the world that offer the length and variety of ski descents that Mt. Shasta offers. On a clear day you can see more than 100 miles in every direction from the summit, and theoretically, you can ski in any direction for over 7,000 vertical feet.
This is our favorite tour because we camp at Hidden Valley, which keeps us away from the crowds, putting us in perfect postion to climb and ski one of Shasta's longest, sustained pitches, or the option to ski off Shastina as well.
May 15-17, 2010
May 29-31, 2010
Palisades Ski Extreme
This is the year to ski the steeps chutes such as the North Couloir on Mt. Sill, the V-Notch Couloir and the Thunderbolt Couloir. Experts only.
May 15-18, 2010
Google Earth 3D
Tioga Pass - Ski Season Finale!
Our end of the season car camping ski party at Tioga Pass celebrates another year of backcountry skiing.
June 5-6, 2010
Google Earth 3D

Private Ski Mountaineering on Mt. Shasta
Featured Guide, Logan Talbott, will be available for you or your private group through the first week of June for ski mountaineering or alpine climbing on Shasta's renowned routes such as the John Muir Route, the West Face and Casaval Ridge. This is the year to go!

TECH TIP: Ski Crampons - Wings of Steel
By: Craig Dostie & Bela G. Vadasz
One of the most overlooked pieces of equipment for ski mountaineers is the simple, but effective ski crampon. Like boot crampons for mountaineers, these are metal teeth that you affix to your feet, in this case your skis, for extreme grip. Turn dicey, nervous sections of a climb into a casual stroll with the confidence of spiderman.
The most obvious use for them is while traversing steep slopes of firm snow, or skinning up early morning frozen corn snow. Ski crampons increase grip on the latter, and security on those sketchy steep traverses. Read on...

Got First Aid Skills?
Have you ever wondered what you would do if someone in your group broke their leg skiing or your climbing partner was struck in the head by a rock? Every backcountry skiing, climbing or mountaineering group should have people trained in wilderness first aid skills because it's only a matter of time in before you will need to put them into use in the backcountry.
Wilderness First Aid - WFA & CPR
This entry level, 2-day (18 hour) course is appropriate for anyone involved in wilderness activities.
May 15-16, 2010

Intro To Snow Climbing
Get a head start with ice axe, crampon, harness and rope skills before your Shasta or High Sierra climb. Conditions are great with plenty of consolidated snow here at Donner Pass.
May 15, 2010
May 22, 2010
May 29, 2010
May 30, 2010

Get ready for the Climbing Season
Make it your turn this summer for the best climb just right for you and your ability. Join us on Mt. Shasta, Mt. Whitney, in the High Sierra or Rock Climbing at Donner Pass or Lover's Leap.

Featured Book - High Odyssey
by Eugene A. Rose
The first solo winter assault of Mt. Whitney and the Muir Trail area, from the diary of Orland Bartholomew and the photographs taken by him.
The book is displayed on the bookcase next to the fireplace at the ASI Backcountry Adventure Center for you to enjoy.
We look forward to skiing with you and helping you achieve your goals. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz - ASI Directors
Alpine Skills International
